Explore Water Power in the Peace of Winter

Happy New Year! It’s wintertime here in New York City, and regardless of what your primary Hero power is, it’s likely that you retreat a little this time of year. That inherit sense of quiet and peace makes winter the perfect time to explore Water Power.
Water power brings a sense of peace and imagination to the world. Through the power of listening, we can learn how to stretch our minds to see hidden connections between things that bring deep meaning to our life.
Through water power, you’ll grow the ability listen to the messages beneath all the noise and bustle around you to gain deep insights and solve challenges. Water Heroes can go deep into their imaginations and have access to wisdom about life’s complex and changing circumstances.
In our #PowerUp course and The Tournesol Kids Game, we’ll show you an exercise your kids can do to find peace by getting still. They can use this any time they need to clear their heads.