Here at Tournesol Kids, we dream of expanding widely into schools and delivering our program to underserved communities for free. To that end, we’ve found a school in Brooklyn that wants to be our pilot school. The principal was trained in our program a couple years ago and is firmly behind bringing T-Kids to his teachers and students.

To make the most out of this effort, we need to gather pre- and post-program data from the students and teachers and work with a researcher to prove that our program delivers the impact that we promise. With these results, we are much more likely to attract the bigger grant and corporate funding that will help us build the financial foundation we need to reach more underserved kids and schools.

Please consider supporting this initiative with us. We need to raise $50K before the end of the year to cover a 6-month program. This will include:

  • Intensive training for teachers and administrators
  • 6 months of ongoing teacher support
  • Decks of cards for every child and teacher
  • Data collection and reporting on the efficacy of the program
  • Online and text book support materials for parents, teachers and administrators

Help us empower underserved children by making a donation today.