Transform Communities with #PowerUp
In 2020, T-Kids plans to donate the #PowerUp program to every classroom in five communities. Help us make this happen!
25 schools
750 classrooms
1,000 teachers
22,500 kids
45,000 caregivers and parents
100,000+ community members’ lives changed
Every classroom receives:
30 decks of #PowerUp game cards – one per each child
5 brand new short, impactful teacher training videos
2 teacher training manuals
Between now and December 2020
Training children in mind-body techniques promotes greater capacity to be in and maintain attention to present-moment experience with an attitude of openness, curiosity and self-compassion. The Tournesol Kids #PowerUp program is designed to be easily integrated into the busy school day without burdening teachers with extra work.
Anywhere in the USA — you can even sponsor your own school!
Donate to help make this a reality!
$8,500 – sponsor one classroom
$80,000 – sponsors 10 classrooms
$160,000 – sponsor 25 classrooms
$250,000 – sponsor a community
This is YOUR chance to make a seismic shift in the future success of our children and our communities.
Show us that you care. Donate and make a difference.