We’re thinking about… Tournesol Kids Summer Camp!
It’s time for Summer Camp! Our kids can’t go away to camp this year so we want to bring camp to you. We envision live online events that you and your kids can participate in for free. We’ll show you bite-sized, neuroplasticity-based exercises that you can do together to build resilience during these challenging times.
Help us plan our camp by answering the following questions:
Would you join our Tournesol Kids Camp live online?
What days and times are best for you and your kids to participate in live online events?
What length of event do you prefer?
Would you want to be on camera during the event?
Are there any specific topics or challenges you would like us to cover?
Take the survey here
Thank you for helping us shape this programming. We’ll see you at CAMP!
Thank you for helping us shape this programming. We’ll see you at CAMP!